Los Angeles Probation Violation Attorney
Fighting Probation Violation Accusations Throughout Los Angeles and all of California
There are many different types of penalties that an individual can face for a criminal conviction depending on the specific offense that has been committed. They can be monetary penalties, they can be community service or labor, they can include taking classes, and they can include a "stay away order".
One of these penalties may include a probation sentence in which you must comply with various terms and conditions in order to remain out of jail. If you are found to be in violation of any of the terms of probation, then you could be arrested for the crime of probation violation.
Accused of violating your probation? Get defense from a Los Angeles probation violation lawyer by contacting us today.
Various conditions of probation that you could be required to comply with may include the following:
- Obtaining/maintaining employment throughout the duration of the sentence
- Remaining within state borders
- Performing community service for a specific number of hours
- Frequent contact with a probation officer
- Not committing any crimes
If you have violated any terms of your probation and there is a warrant out for your arrest, then you need to discuss your situation with a skilled Los Angeles probation violation attorney. There are many cases where an individual will benefit more by turning themselves in rather than waiting to be found and arrested. Regardless of what your violation was, it is important to seek representation in your case.
Has a warrant been issued for your arrest?
At the Law Offices of Kenneth H. Lewis, you can be sure that you will be represented by a skilled and experienced attorney. Ken Lewis understands that mistakes happen, that you may have forgotten to show up for a court appearance, or you may have innocently neglected to make a call to your probation officer.
These situations can often escalate quickly, and it is important that you have a skilled advocate to straighten out things. Jail can often be avoided if a competent Los Angeles probation violation attorney is available early enough to clarify things to the court or probation officer.
Charged with violating your probation? Contact the Law Offices of Kenneth H. Lewis to discuss your case.